A small group of eight club members assembled on Friday evening at the iconic Mar Lodge where our accommodation was in the bunkhouse to one side of the main house. Lack of confidence in the quantity and firmness of the snow meant that skis were left behind in favour of bikes. Plans for the following day were hatched over a gnocchi dinner.

Saturday saw four groups leave the bunkhouse by bike making the most of the fantastic location. Blair headed out on a solo bike mission to Blair Atholl unsure if the Geldie Burn would see him turn back. Pleased to find a bridge and reach Blair Atholl, he refuelled with a pint ready for the return journey. The remainder headed in three directions for bike/hike Munro bagging. Ascents of Cairn Toul, Devil’s Point, Derry Cairngorm, An Socach and Beinn Iutharn Mhor were made. The weather was more benign than forecast. Wildlife spotted included hares, ptarmigan, black grouse and eagles.

South through the Larig Ghru

Club members shared a tasty chilli feast before retiring to the lounge for some drams. Weary from the day’s excursions and anticipating the clock change, all thoughts of a game of billiards in the lodge were quickly abandoned

Sunday was a more relaxed day with Xav, Katie, Hannah and Blair enjoying a swim in the sunshine at the Linn of Dee before the snow showers set in. Dave and Sarah enjoyed a walk in Glen Quoich and Glen Lui.